No sound in any application in the sandbox

Hello all, I have a problem with the sandbox, browsers and any other program is mute inside it, I already tried every solution found in this forum, such as adding “audiodg.exe” as exclusion, but doesn’t seem to work (at least if Avast is not ignoring it), is there anything that could be done to solve this? thank you very much.

  • Which Avast…? (Free/Pro/IS/Premium)
  • Which version…?
  • OS…? (32/64 Bit…? - which SP/Build…?)
  • Other security related software installed…?
  • Which AV(s) did you use before Avast…?
  • Premium
  • Latest
  • Win10 64bit
  • Only Win Defender but is disabled by Avast
  • Win Defender

Seems I’m not the only one having this problem btw.

  • Which version/build of Avast…?

20.1.2397 (build 20.1.5069.559)

Should be the latest official, at least is what avast update menu says.

Thank you

Follow instructions: and post your File-ID here afterwards.

Unfortunately it gives me error 12002 “couldn’t generate support file”
I was able creating it offline, can I Pm you the files?


Unfortunately, the ability(option) to use sound within Avast Sandbox is not available.

thanks r@vast, will it ever be available?

but excuse me at this point why Asyn make me use that diagnostic software if there was already an answer? Is him really a bot? ;D
plus that tool was sending data to some analytics server… not worrying about it but was unnecessary…

There are currently no plans to make it available.