<no sound> to warn for the VPS update doesn't work

I selected “no sound” as the sound to be used by Avast when a VPS update takes place but instead of playing nothing I hear a generic Win error sound everytime. :frowning:
Please fix this little detail…

This might be and error with avast you should use the avast repair utility. Or just reinstall avast.

All repairing avast would do is resolve avast related issues and this doesn’t sound (excuse the pun) like an avast issue. In fact repairing avast is more likely to restore the original VPS Update notification.

@ hexaae
I would suggest selecting a specific sound rather than no sound, something like ding.wav or similar non-abrasive sound. Though I kind of like the reassurance of the VPS Update notification.

Will be fixed with next releases? It should play no sound if no sound is specified in Windows sound prefs.

Edit: I’ve sent a bug-report using http://support.avast.com

Hmm, interesting difference between XP and Vista.
I’ll fix it somehow.


Thanks for coming Igor.