I’m getting web pages poping up over and over and the Roboform says that it is Avast causing it:
Roboform: “Dear XXXXXXX, we have positive feedback from other Avast users that adding the page that gets loaded to the black list in Avast helps to solve the issue.
Also the re-installation of Avast helps. There is also a feedback that when RoboForm gets uninstalled Avast sometimes shows other page the same way it did with RoboForm.
So it does not matter for Avast which page to display.”
When I blacklist the web page that constantly pops up I just get the same web page poping up, but with a blocked page instead. Happens every 1-15 minutes (probably 2-3 min average), no matter what program I’m in.
I uninstalled Roboform, then Uninstalled Avast. Ran Firefox to clear any add-ons from either. Then I reinstalled Roboform, then reinstalled Avast. Still this didn’t fix it. So I completely removed Roboform from the computer. I’m still getting pop ups for the whatever the last web page I saw (that was popped up by the Roboform install or uninstall). I can’t just uninstall Avast to test Roboform’s accusations.
Any help?