Hi. I’ve already posted in another topic, the french section, but since no one answers…
Well, after updating avast, I shuted down my laptop. When I’m booting it up, I’m going on my session and I’m seeing this… crappy message, “Non-Genuine Windows” crap, and all that.
Howewer, the worst part is that I can’t access my desktop to check anything. I’m on Vista Integral Familial or something like that. Can someone help me? Thanks in advance.
I mean the only program I can use is Firefox. The “Validate Now” option is doing nothing.
I guess I’m screwed? Vista was pre-installed, I have a backup, but I don’t know where it is and HOW to use it. I’ll shut down the computer now and see later if this get better.
Well, I just booted up again and it was fine. No DANGWEM (Damn Annoying Non-Genuine Windows error Message), so I guess everything is fine. If there is another problem, like this, I’ll tell you. Thanks.
-Not running MSE
-Norton was pre-installed in the laptop, but since I have not enough money to fix the computer if I mess something, I’ve kept it, but I’ve excluded his folder from all scans and I’m closing his scan windows when it comes up up (every thursday on 20:00). That’s all.
-Safe mode is… F8 when the computer is booting, that’s it? I’ll remind it.
-Could you explain me what’s “Safe Mode with networking”? It seems useful, but my laptop is not linked to another computer.
-For the last time, during the DANGWEM apparance, only thing I could do was using FireFox, thanks to the “Validate Now” option, who brang up a FireFox Window. Howewer, it ran for hours and has done nothing. (Yay for multi-tab browsing!)