December 1, 2006, 4:11am
I like, but cannot trust.
30-Nov-2006 08:02:51 PM
Reviewer: Mrate
Pros: Has anyone done independent concentrated safely check on this software. If so could they post the results?
Cons: Cannot really trust this software yet!
Every action I do, it seems to send data to some mystery server.
It is rumored that Avast strips email address from all the email and web sites it scans and they make their money by selling email SPAM lists.
I wonder if they do manufacture and spread most of the viruses. Since no other virus killer can detect them.
The person who posted the previous bad artical. You right about one thing the Russian and the other Eastern Block countries are the kings of spyware.
Has anyone been to their office and come back alive?
December 1, 2006, 4:53am
Brilliant! Just went and posted a bit of a counter-review.
This guy needs to change his meds.
Has anyone been to their office and come back alive?
I just think this comment (joke) got what is deserved! another joke!
Gad! the secret’s out! How’d they find out?
Slightly more seriously…
If you don’t trust it, just don’t use it!
Vlad (not the Impaler )
December 1, 2006, 10:29am
thousands of people have been using this software and have not been receiving any spam related to this,(atleast i have’nt and i don’t use any spam filters)
and also these people have their systems secure thanks to avast which really does a good job in protecting the computers.
also this guy whoever must have come out with that list must be some guy working for symantec or some other company who must be feeling the bite due to the popularity of avast among home as well as professional users ;D
December 1, 2006, 11:02am
this guy whoever must have come out with that list must be some guy working for symantec or some other company
Tempting though it is to think that, I don’t think the Symantec people would employ anyone that under-qualified.
Would they?
I share your outrage ‘riskpusher4life’ but concur with ‘Tarq57’ Two conspiracy theories don’t cancel each other out!