NoScript and Google

I was just removing Google from Firefox, and ran across this in about:config:

Image attached.

Does this mean that NoScript is making exceptions for Google?

Just as it does for yahoo, photobucket, etc

Hi Johnny4745,

Are you really that ignorant?
How would these script blocking extensions else survive on a google sponsored browser, like firefox?
They come that way by default.
Why you think it is so hard to fine-tune ABP in Google Chrome with additional lists?
Because the Google revenue scheme should continue unhinderd -Google Analytics & equivalents are almost ubiquitous on websites!
(lest your a geek/ rather advanced user that know how to configure your browser better to your likings).

Google Chrome would not even give Giorgio Maone enough low level browser access to develop a Google Chrome variant of NoScript’s.
So now I use ScriptSafe in Google Chrome.
Mozilla developers all pay tribute to Google by leaving Google tracking in these browsers as unhindered as can as by default.

Why you think I launch google chrome via ChromePrivacyGuard, I have GoogleDisconnect in GoogleChrome
and Google SERP Click Tracking Disabler.


I don’t consider myself ignorant. The people that use Google in any way are the ones that are ignorant.

I have removed any reference to Google on my computer, and I have also removed all the White Listed sites in NoScript.

Since Avast thinks it should provide a backdoor for Google in Internet Security, my next move will be to remove Avast, even though I have almost a year left on the contract.

I am now looking for a firewall that allows complete control of inbound and outbound connections.

Avast’s firewall is a joke.

An anti-virus program should not need to access your computer continuously. The only time there should be a connection is when the program is updated.

So start to take off the majority of your software from your comp
and also look for another mono-culture to render your browser of choice.
Good you have no Smartphone!

You think Bing is any better? Or Duck-Duck 50 request results in all?

I never heard of a Google backdoor in avast software, never seen any proof of it either.

If a mutitude of softwares want some crumbs of that table with that big Google cake,
well that is all imaginable. So we see a lot of software coming bundled to-day.

Who can ignore Google? Why was SEO invented?
Because everyone earns from the Internet exept you and I.

But again I ask you, who created this situation in the first place?
Also you and I, I guess, and a lot of other users…
It is that worlkd we live in.


The people that use Google in any way are the ones that are ignorant.
I suggest you learn to choose your words a little more carefully. :(

I have shown proof many times.

Look at the attachment.

This is from Avast Firewall Network Connections. Without it there is no user interface.

I would suggest that you spend the forty dollars to buy Internet Security with the firewall, and look at the internet connections, and see what Avast allows to connect to your computer.

Considering that Chrome is my default browser and gmail my e-mail of choice and Blogger my choice for my Blog and Google sites what I use for my websites,
I hardly doubt that any firewall I use is blocking what you appear to be so paranoid about.
Worry about PRISM if you’re worry about privacy.

Considering that I currently have 25 referrals, I don’t need to spend money on IS. I could get a 3 year license for free.
I happen to be very happy with the free version of avast! :slight_smile:

Considering that Chrome is my default browser and gmail my e-mail of choice and Blogger my choice for my Blog and Google sites what I use for my websites,
I hardly doubt that any firewall I use is blocking what you appear to be so paranoid about.
Worry about PRISM if you’re worry about privacy.
Where do you think the NSA gets its information?

Considering that Chrome is my default browser and gmail my e-mail of choice and Blogger my choice for my Blog and Google sites what I use for my websites,
I hardly doubt that any firewall I use is blocking what you appear to be so paranoid about.
Worry about PRISM if you’re worry about privacy.

Where do you think the NSA gets its information?

I think you have that backwards.
Who do you think is being forced to turn over it’s information to the NSA.
Google is only one of those forced to turn over information therefore it really makes no difference
what you suse, none of the information is “private”.

That depends on which search engine you use. If it doesn’t track you, and doesn’t store personal information, then the NSA can’t get any information from that company.

More companies should be like this, but they want to collect and sell your personal information to make more money.

Keep living in you dream world. Privacy has been dead for a long time.

I’m living in the real world. You live in a dream world.

Privacy doesn’t have to be dead. It’s greed on the company’s part that has caused this collection of personal data.

This is getting interesting but I am with Bob. Ever since the internet has been out your privacy is at risk. Come one people get real. What about when your join Careerbulider or Monster? You put up your resume on these sites for ALL TOO SEE your personal info. If Google was actually spying on people don’t you think they would be shut down by now? I use the following Google Products and always will:


If people are so paranoid then get LifeLock.

I am with bob3160 here. It does not matter what you use on the Internet to-day, you are under surveillance. And Google, MS, akamai, amazon tor nodes is a sub-discussion here, that really does not matter.
If you are feeling like Johnny4745 go back to live like a trapper from before 1860.
As I said you are under surveillance when you visdit an ATM, use plastic cards in a supermarket, use a dect phone, a smartphone, use Skype, use a smartmeter, go out on the highway with your computerized car, turn on your smart TV set, connect to your ISP, your cable hoster. Connect to a Wifi Hot Spot etc. etc.
All data are being “hoovered into” blackboxes and goes somewhere to be analyzed.
And legal immunity is now sought for all American corporations (yes, thousands and thousands of firms) that share data with NSA:
Internet node like AMS-IX in Amsterdam has two gigabit ports to be policed, and I leave the rest to your imagination.

So you are definitely barking up the wrong tree here,


If people are so paranoid then get LifeLock.
They also don't guarantee that you will not be hacked. They only guarantee to make it harder to be hacked and, to help you recover and put up a bond to help with the expenses involved. If you are hacked, contact the folks at: