Not seeing local computers

Hi There
I have Avast Premier on Windows 10. I notice I can’t see other computers on my network unless I turn avast off. Just trying to find out which option to tweak to get things working. I’ve gone into firewall and made sure the whole IPV4 & IPV6 range is listed under Friends. Other than that I don’t know.

Whilst I don’t have the avast firewall, you have set the IP range for friends, but is the firewall set to Private or Public ?

Yes. I think DavidR has a point there. Seems avast firewall is set to Public as default on a clean install. Change that to Private and everything should appear.

Hi Guys. Yeah one of the first things I did was make sure FW is set to Private. I’ve turned on logging for just about everything so will have to go through and see if I can work out what’s happening.


Sorry it wasn’t more productive.