If you are using the On-Premise COnsole (Either Small Office Admin or Enterprise Administraton), then 8.0.1609 is the latest version. If you are using Avast For Business (Cloud COnsole) then 12.3.x is current. These are separate product lines with separate version numbers.
We don’t use console, just the “standalone client”. We are small team. When I check the version of the product, it says 8.0.1609.
The only thing that surprise me is that all *.exe and *.dll (C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast Business) in my Avast Endpoint Protection Plus is version 10.2.1609.588.
but in Avast Business security all *.exe and dll are version 12.3.3154.0
I was wondering why the On-Premise COnsole looks having an older version than Avast For Business.
The standalone Endpoint Protection client is the same as the console managed just without the central management. 8.0.1609 is also the current release. At this time only the cloud product is using 12.3
Again, these are separate products, on different versions and release schedules.