Notepad++ Virus

Hello everyone,

When I run Notepad++ Avast! Antivirus has detected that it is a suspicious threat and that it is a virus. Then Avast! removed Notepad++ executable file. I disabled Avast! protection and reinstalled Notepad++.

Notepad++ is just a text-editor similar to the Microsoft Notepad and the program isn’t a virus, while Avast! thinks it is. Does anyone know why is that? The version of Notepad++ is 6.6.9. Thank you.

Vasja Stojkovic

is it detected as Win32:Evo-Gen [susp] = Suspicious ?

you can report it here

Hi vasjastojkovic2,

Could be a false-positive detection. Go to the Virus Chest, right-click the file and click Scan to confirm. If still detected, right-click again and upload to avast!. If FP, detection should be removed in the next few streaming updates or one of the main vps updates.

The infection of Notepad++ is FileRepMalware. I’ve contacted the developer of Avast! Antivirus and I will see the answer. Thank you.

Vasja Stojkovic