Hello !
First thanks for the 2 answers.
Second, I am new with this forum, sorry if I miuse it (not very familiar with forums)!
Third, I will try to continue in english !
Last, I am new with Avast, with little knowledge with Windows.
My PC is a DELL, 1Gb RAM, 100 Gb disk, Pentium4, with a high speed connexion.
The system is Windows XP Pro, SP2, with IE7, all regularly udated.
I used to have Nortan antivirus, but at renewal licence time, I decided to try
another solution.
Now I have Avast free version, along with ZoneAlarm firewall free version from
ZoneLabs, hope this combination is not bad, but this is another topic !
Before doing my first Avast scan, I was faced very quickly to the so
called “DCOM Exploit bloque” problem, that puzzled me somewhat. So I
installed the ZA filewall, the attacks are still present, but they are silently
processed/rejected silently by ZA. BTW : should not have been possible
to have the same result by simply ticking the Avast “no repeat” option ?
At my first Avast scan (without ZA installed yet), I found a number of virus
and other bad things (about 10, as Trojans), all located on unused files,
so I deleted them all at the scan end, instead of moving them in the quarantaine
area, as I should have done to better examine them, because I though the were
no reason to really keep them (rarely used downloaded games files).
Cannot remember the exact sequence events, but as far as can remember,
the NTUSER event did appear after some other scans, perhaps after the 2nd one
(with ZA still not installed).
I made today a search on all the NTUSER files, and they all present a modification
date equal to the age of the machine, except one that looked to be re-craeted by
Windows at user’s corresponding first login time after the NTUSER event came up.
Effectively, up tp now, this account looks to work correctly (?)
I made also a “minutieux” scan including all the archived files, and founded 3
more virus named Adware-gen ! I moved all them in the quarantaine area.
Is this operation sufficicient so they are definitively excluded from my PC ?
I also made yesterday a Ad-ware scan, and founded about hundreads of
“critical objects”, all were cookies, and wipped them away. Since then,
my PC look to run correctly (it ran very slow before).
Now what to do ? How can I eliminate this NTUSER situation encountered
at the end of each Avast scan ?
I would be very pleased to read any comments/suggestions.