Number ‘46211’ - Virus Definitions

Hi all,
I’m just curios about avast virus definitions.
Number ‘46211’ which you can find in the latest version of the virus database, is it the actual number of viruses, worms, trojans (…) that avast detects?

If so, doesn’t it seem a little less than it’s supposed to be?
Meaning; that other high quality antivirus programs have nearly 200000 defs or more.

Or this is the case where every version of the virus is generalized and summoned under the root name of the virus, which I doubt by looking at database?
Can someone give a light on this issue?

No, the number of virus definitions in avast! virus database tells you “nothing” about how good of avast! detection rates in the real world. This question has been discussed on this forum from time to time.

Read the following threads

And here’s the thread describing what the VPS version number means:

Vlk, thanks for the info about VPS version number.

Did I ask by some chance earlier what means the number of virus definitions in avast! virus database? I know real well the principle of how the antivirus engine detects viruses!!

But as assumed it is common for antivirus companies to put emphasis on the count of viruses in the database. Not because it is the only thing to rely on judging the product quality, but to ensure uninformed, better - customers who are not experts and need fair protection, that their product is just worthwhile. And may I add that that kind of customers, which by the way is great deal of the market, get hooked and almost by default to this kind of information!!
Don’t tell me that guys from avast did not know or maybe for some reason excluded that marketing trick.
They couldn’t lose anything, rather could gain, much more…
My question is why they didn’t emphasize that information and put all those virus family names in the database like “notorious” rulers of the market. Maybe there is not enough to put in…?
Maybe it is because their ideal is to live life not lying and cheating innocent and misguided customers :slight_smile:
Anyway, check another opinion:

To whom would you believe, the company who wants to sell you software or independence study?!

Now please, don’t get me wrong, I’m not looking for a fight. I’m new proud user of avast hoping that strict critic will benefit to and not ruin the expectations to others regarding the program! I’m just trying to justify the reason why should I continue to use avast rather than some other antivirus?

Igor, Vlk, please give me the pep talk for using avast!!
Maybe some comparation charts…?

Thank you.


I understand what you mean, but on the other hand, you have to realize that a “number of viruses detected” is really a totally nonsense information. I can easily say that we detect millions of viruses because our internal malware archives contain so many files. But they’re really not exactly different (may be variants of the same) etc.etc. But who decides what is a variant and what is a new thing? Etc.

Thank for your fast reply, it’s appreciated.

Well, that is true.
I feel this kind of theme could drag for ages and no one could tell what is good or bad. But in favor of a product there has to be some valid statistical output study that defends the reliability of it.
I know that this info doesn’t mean much for common user and usually there is no other way than to wait and see weather your computer will get infected or not, but at some level it has to be present.
Wait and see, hmm, I will!
Thanks again, see you soon, with good news I hope… :wink: