NZB Downloads

Hi New User of the Avast Forums long time Avast fan.

Ok just discovered Usenet and NZB

I am using SABnzb and If i turn off Avast (all defence) and then connect to usenet server I can download NZB’s

After I connect I can turn Avast back on and it all works fine.

any one got any ideas on this ???


Are you getting any errors displayed, if so what ?

I get a connection error 404 something I think … and sometimes it asks for a password which I don’t need from the NZB client

Try to disable NNTP scanning in Mail shield settings.

that did the trick
so what exactly have I disabled and do I need to do anything else ???

You are disabling the scanning of NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) traffic.

I know avast is compatible with Newsleecher, Alt.Binz apps. We didn’t test other NZB clients.