OA "Run Safer" needed any longer?

I have been using AIS with OA Free (Protect Guard only = “Run Safer” or lower-permission level for programs).

All that (Suite plus Online Armor processes running) = slower PC.

So. . . do I need the “Run Safer” option to lower permission rights on browsers? The HIPS is annoying on OA and comes with the Run Safer package. Before any one says “extra layers can’'t hurt…,” well, they can hurt performance and popups annoy the hell out of users (even “advanced” ones like me).

AIS Sandbox better than “Run Safer”? Redundancy? (I know they do somewhat different things but the point is – can I do without “Run Safer” and simply sandbox my browsers?).


I would say, yes, you can do without the Run Safer feature. Having something virtualized would be safer than lowering its permissions. There’s really no need for the Run Safer feature, because any changes that are made to system files/registry in the virtual environment are not saved.

Not really needed when you run the browser sandboxed.