Odd Glitch [FIXED]

Today I updated !Avast’s main component and during the process Windows said I had no Antivirus. Currently Windows is still not recognizing !Avast as my antivirus, is there a way to fix this? And is it something to be concerned about?

EDIT: Issue is now fixed, simple fix is to shut down and restart the SHEILDs.


The real problem is a bug in the Windows security center.
Reset it and it will show that avast is installed.

Alright so, clicked run the app and nothing happened. Windows alert is still yelling at me and I don’t know how to reset the security center in Windows 8.

tried this ? http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+reset+Windows+security+center+in+win+8

If you had been keeping up with the following Thread:
Tips Tricks and other Helpful Videos
The latest tip:
would already have given you your answer. :slight_smile:

Hey bob, your video worked. Hah, shoulda guess the old shut down the sheilds trick would work, thought the problem was a lot more frustrating. Thanks!


Glad I was able to help. :slight_smile: