Odd Happenings; any ideas why?

All of a sudden today some weird things are happening. Three or four times when I clicked on a site link from results of a Google search I was redirected somewhere else. The sites I was redirected to were all different; the sites I was trying to reach were all different; the topics being searched were all different. If I clicked the back button on the browser and then tried again it went to the correct site.

Also, avast has blocked about five sites I’ve tried to go today, one of which was prevention.com, one drugs.com, and the other one was mine! I tried to go back to these three and they came up fine. (If someone has hacked your site, put a virus or something on there, would it should up in the source code?)

Although I just ran a ton of scans less than two weeks ago and keep everything up-to-date, I did run a few quick scans with avast and MB; nothing showed up.

Any ideas?

Thank you!


Edit: This is on Firefox.

You might have the infection that many others here are experiencing, its quite the little outbreak. Just go down the virus&worms section of the forum and look at the topics that are involve “Google Redirect” in the title for examples.

I would suggest having essexboy take his scalpels and forceps to your system>>http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53253.0

Thank you for this info. I went over there and read a bunch of the threads and it does seem to be a rampant problem! I’m running aswMBR as I type this. I see now that my issue it probably not two things but one…avast is not blocking the sites I’m TRYING to go to, but rather the sites that the redirect is trying to go to.

I’ll post over there shortly with my scan results.

Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction!

Oh, the aswMBR scan just finished. Doesn’t look like it found anything but I’ll post it for the experts to look at!

No problem, hope you get it resolved quickly.