Is it prohibited for the moderators (or admins) in most forums or games (Minecraft, etc.) to impose inappropriate punishment (or consequences) to the person who commits slight violation of the rules for the first time EXCEPT to the cybercriminals? (It also include permanent bans to minors who slightly broke the rules)
Nothing, if it’s a permanent ban then it cant be as slight as you have stated :-\ you need to thoroughly read the rules of any forum you are a part of as certain things have zero tolerance.
The question is too generic to give a specific answer.
It would depend on A) the forum, B) the reason you were banned to start with (should be in the ban info, depends on forum, etc.) and C) if the reason was considered serious enough. Then creating a new account to circumvent the ban would be considered in the same way, especially if you kept on the same subject matter that the original ban was for.
If all of the above were negative, then I would guess that you would be banned again.
If however, you felt this was in error (not impossible) you would have to create a new account to query/resolve it.
As you can see too many permutations for a generic question.
Again too generic a question - as A) we don’t know what the initial ban was for and B) only rarely would the original ban be so great would the creation of a new account also be banned.
That said I don’t think that this ban would be immediate/automatic as it takes some serious processing to do this. Or it also depends on the original ban conditions user name, email address and or IP address, if you were to reuse any of these it would be blocked based on the original ban conditions.
But in all honesty talking in these forums about a ban in another forum is never going to resolve that issue, different rules, different forum software, etc. etc.
You could mail moderation of that forum where you were banned and repent.
Ask them to give you another chance as you are only human and can change and let them consider to lift the ban.
That is all you could do. Not use another nick or account as your logs and style will give you away.
Unfortunately, the Minecraft Forum administrator denied my appeal (2 times) despite showing clear proof that the so-called permanent ban was a biggest mistake. I am no longer allowed there to send PMs to users, report posts (this was included since one violator reported the moderator’s post, assuming he commited the so-called staff impersonation), post in community, vote polls, etc. Then I may suppose that the permanent ban is NOT a recommended sanction but a warning, due to its unjust nature.
There are the admin’s remarks:
=First appeal: “Your post did not contribute anything”
=Second appeal: “I already denied your appeal”
=Third appeal: You were told many times that your behavior on this forum was unacceptable yet you continued. The ban will not be lifted at this time"
=Fourth appeal: “You were given multiple opportunities to change your behavior on the forum. You will not be unbanned at this time.”
Note: First and second appeal is from my warning for spamming (now expired since Thursday (March 26, 2015))
Note: Third and fourth appeal is from permanent bans (which is highly unjust and not recommended)
What should I do now, since all of my appeals is denied despite being serious and remorseful?
What should I do now, since all of my appeals is denied despite being serious and remorseful?
Two things appear here to be something you can do in the future:
Always think about what you are about to post, is it ok to post (within forum rules at the forum I am at)? Will anyone be offended or insulted by what I say or do? If either situation would be a negative reaction to you, don’t click the send button. Only you will know what you were about to post. No one else will ever know since you decided not to publish it online.
Learn from this episode, and never do the sort of thing again that brought you the wrath you received at Minecraft Forum, or would bring you that wrath anywhere else on the web.
Spamming is a no-no, and will get any user instantly banned. If you actually did that there, that alone would be a valid reason for banning you.
We have the privilege but not the right to do what we want; consideration of others will go a long way to ensuring we keep that privilege, as long as we understand that there is a difference.
So, if you are asking if we can do anything for you about Minecraft, the answer would be no. You had the privilege to post there at one time, and then that privilege was revoked by ban action (for whatever reason).
Then how can I get rid of the permanent ban because I proved myself by my improvement of my behavior? I might consider the permanent ban as a no-no depending on some circumstances.
I already improved my behavior within 40+ days (I was banned since March 31, 2015), yet the permanent ban still continues, so I will prove that this type of punishment is a complete cruelty and a no-no. How unjust and inhumane it is! >:(
If my last appeal to be unbanned is denied, then the Minecraft Forum Administration should be apologetic for doing this.
There are the things I am not allowed during posting suspension:
=Post in forums
=Report posts (depends)
=Casting the vote
=Sending PMs
=Creating threads
There are the things I am not allowed during permanent ban:
=Post in forums
=Report posts
=Casting the vote
=Sending PMs
=Creating threads
=Editing profiles (such as usernames)
=Opening notifications (sometimes)
Is these restriction in Minecraft Forum too cruel?
Will it be the bad idea to issue an ultimatium to the Minecraft Forum administration (like the Potsdam Declaration) to remove the permanent ban as this will derail my chance to be unbanned?
I don’t see how this issue should be continued here on this forum ( it’s not our problem : ), the admins of the minecraft forum have made their decision an you received a ban for whatever reason so toughen up an accept your punishment.