Official answer to Avast Webshield & SygatePF?

Ok…I have been reading many posts both here and at sygate in regards to this webshield issue and the sygate pro pf. Now I am totally confused as to what the solution is. Or is there finally a solution to this issue.

I have Avast Pro 4.6.652 and Sygate Pro 5.5.2710

What is the simple answer to this issue and how should people setup and configure these apps.

Do these apps play well together without making special configurations to each?


First, of course I’m not the official word, but this is a free forum anyway.
I worked with Sygate free and avast! Pro until I discovered a bug (?) / problem into Sygate when using a local proxy.
Some users tried to persuade me that it works ok. The bug (?) was recognized into Sygate forums. The problem occurs with both pro and free versions of Sygate.
I just migrate to another firewall.
If you do not use a local proxy (a annonymizer application for instance), don’t worry. I think both work togheter very good.
Welcome to avast! forums 8)

I use the standard Windows XP firewall of which there have been some postings here about it’s reliability. I am however connected to the net via a router with a ‘hardware’ firewall so I presume I am reasonably safe and don’t really need another 3rd party firewall…Or do I ??

If u have hardware firewall…I guess there is not need of any 3rd party software firewall. or u can just disable the windows firewall and try like Zone alram suite Version 6…But if find any confilict with hardware firewall…then just remove the zone alram and enable widows firewall back.Acutally hadware firewall is the best protection as far as i know it…but i don’t know if there is need for software firewall…? ???widows firewall acutally u can’t configute that much.or even block outgoing programs,only incomming ones that is why i am using zone alram.

Do not rely on the windows firewall…Yes, you are correct saying the best protection is behind a HW firewall but a 3rd party SW firewall is definitely needed…why?

The HW firewall protects your system from the outside or inbound traffic and does NOTHING for outbound traffic…that is where the SW firewall is a must.

There is nothing wrong with the reliability of XP’s firewall, it does what it was designed for protecting from inbound attack, it stealth’s the ports very well making it appear your system is not connected to the internet. However it doesn’t not provide full outbound protection, this allows anything that gets on your system the ability to phone home with your details and probably download more of the same.

A hardware firewall doesn’t make you immune, it too in most cases doesn’t have outbound protection (some do as they also have a software firewall program incorporated).

Your presumption could be leaving you vulnerable.

:slight_smile: To intimidator : Why do you not have Avast’s latest
4.6.691 ? or Sygate’s 5.6 ?

 To Mick Sturbes : I asked your question on the forums at
                    and several MVPs
                            (Microsoft Valuable Professionals ) highly
                             recommendated the addition of a
                            "software" firewall, like Zone Alarm,
                             Sygate, etc .

I don’t quite follow this, how can anything get ‘on’ your system if it is firewall protected be it Win XP, Sygate, or a hardware firewall to ‘phone home and download’ as you put it. Could you list some ‘for examples’ just so that I can understand this.

BTW I have Sygate installed now, I am just curious as to what is meant by ‘outbound protection’

A hardware firewall doesn't make you immune, it too in most cases doesn't have outbound protection (some do as they also have a software firewall program incorporated).

Your presumption could be leaving you vulnerable.

The programs that connect from your computer to the outside world (Internet).
They could send personal and private information from you to them (outbound).

Deception or other tricks to trick the user into downloading a program, anything that you initiate/request will be allowed past your firewall, once in, it can then initiate downloads and can access the internet without outbound connection protection.

Deception or other tricks to trick the user into downloading a program, anything that you initiate/request will be allowed past your firewall, once in, it can then initiate downloads and can access the internet without outbound connection protection.

Why the devious little critters :o Thanks for that David, I understand now :-[

OOh sorry thanks Tech as well. Is there anyway you can test your outbound vunerability - Like ShieldsUp in reverse ??

I though you’ve forgotten me :-\ :-[ ;D
Reverse test? I mean you can just use TCPView ( to see what is connecting or, easier, the firewall logs.

I though you've forgotten me :-\ :-[ ;D Reverse test? I mean you can just use TCPView ( to see what is connecting or, easier, the firewall logs.

Whaaaaa Forget you !!.. Tech how could we ::slight_smile:

Yep I will have a look through my logs, that will please the wife no end :-\ Thanks again.

Switching to a different firewall is one workaround to the Sygate bug.

I chose the other obvious option and switched off Webshield.

Still very happy with the level of protection the Avast! Sygate combination gives me.


I instead suggest you to use webshield with Sygate.
It is only browsers Sygate passes through without outbound control running webshield.
As many have said, even windows XP firewall with NO outbound control should be sufficient for most users.

Avast’s webshield can be configured though manually for only your prime browser and none others. Links can be found in this site.

Tech as always HAD to come in with his bad experience cause he was running other local proxy software stupid, that is a definite non with Sygate if wanting some sort of outbound program control.

But I repeat, Avast’s WebShield is a well behaved local proxy with SPF.

Removed… double post.

Jarmo: I demand respect here!
First: it’s not a stupid software, as you even know it.
Second: I use the software that I want, the firewall I want, and this issue (really a bug) was never corrected by Sygate, against other firewalls works perfectly.
Third: Seems that you work for Sygate as you always defend it without respecting the other users’ posts.

Calm down guys… :wink:

Hehe, great moustaches Vlk :wink:

No, I dont work for Sygate Tech.
I just use the free firewall and have written sometimes in that forum.
I don’t defend Sygate. I don’t remember taking part in those “which firewall is the best” crazy talks.

What i understand, having read some of the more senior posters from SPF forum, that maybe they are not ever going to fix that loopback issue.
But it is so easy to talk about a “bug” like you often seem to do tech, like it is something to be so very easy fixed.

For me Sygate and Avast with the webshield running are a good combination.