Oh my goodness

Alot of people are now sick and tired of the True Vector in Zone Alarm pro crashing everytime so they’re throwing it alway. This crashing of True Vector has been going on a quite some time already and now many users are ditching Zone Alarm Pro.


Read this area and see how many topics you can come up that could be a complaint about True Vector. :-\

Note: Zone Alarm Free edition doesn’t seem to have the problem so you can ignore it if your using the free edition.

I’m a Pro user and have never had any problems with any part of ZA including True Vector.

Yeah there are a few lucky souls out there, but many users are removing Zone Alarm for this issue that has been occuring more than a week already.

Hi Fixer,
like Bob, I’ve got no PB with ZA (including True Vector) on many desktops ::slight_smile:

Like I say, I think we have a few good Zone Alarm Pro out there that are not suffering from this error. But I’m not liking the fact that many users are quiting Zone Alarm Pro after just removing Norton Firewall, it’s a waste of time and money. :-\

But I'm not liking the fact that many users are quiting Zone Alarm
Remember that MANY is a relative number. Since those that are having a problem are obviously the ones complaining, this is a very small number of people considering the total # of ZA users.