"Old" Sun Java for "Newer" OS !?

:slight_smile: Hi all :

 Just came a across a Post on the PCMag forums where the "new"
 Sun Java ( JRE 6.0 ) would NOT work on his Vista OS; he "reverted"
 to the "old" JRE 5.0, also known as 1.5 Series . See :

 http://discuss.pcmag.com/forums/thread/1004379681.aspx  .

Is there a difference between this post and the following:
http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=28693.0 ???

:slight_smile: Hi Bob :

 Since it seems I have to spell it out, my prior Posts dealt with using
 the "old" Sun Java on "older" Operating Systems; this Post shows the
 possible need to use the "old" Sun Java on the "new" Vista Operating
 System, that the "new" JRE 6.0 does NOT always work on the "newer"
 Operating System(s), such as Win XP SP2 and/or Vista .

Strange it works well on both my Vista and XP SP2 system.
I my opinion, scripts are already dangerous enough and using outdated “Old” versions
only increases the risks.

Thanks Spiritsongs. That’s good information to have in case anyone runs into problems.

But it isn’t a universal problem. I’m running JRE 1.6.0_01-b06 on my Vista Home Premium notebook without any problems.