Older small adverticing of avast ?


Hi - Do you know where I can find a small advertising on avast free,
from e few years ago.

It is a small cartoon figure, who fight against virus on a XP computer.

Do you know what I am talking about ?

And can I get a link to it ?’

Greetings from Jørn Rudolph in Copenhagen, Denmark


Thanks a Whole Lot, VLK - Yes, this is precise the cartoon, that I was writing about

I first saw this in school, during an IT lesson…never caught on to the avast bit at first, until I saw it posted here a while ago :wink:

Question, was the detection real, or did he make it himself?

Of course it was real… as was the virus itself. ;D :stuck_out_tongue:

It was funny made. And are still funny

Well done…
But, shouldn’t avast work before it starts? ;D ;D


My youngest granddaughter think it is a funny film …