is marked as trojan ???

the uinstall is marked as trojan
and the updater is markede as unknow threat

are you guys sure of what you doing ? this soft is clean of those things

Please, submit the files to and also send it by email (zip) to virus (at) avast (dot) com.

here is the virus total

il send u the files later

Wow… seems indeed a false positive of the latest virus definitions. Maybe VT is not updated yet.

i just emailed the files that r detected

couldnt send as zip as they dont allow to zip exe’s

so i renamed to omgzone._zip

I downloaded the installer with no alerts from avast. :stuck_out_tongue: if you guys are getting an alert then that is odd cause the installer includes the uninstaller right?

the problem is not in the installer but with the files inside

the omgzoneupdater.exe and the uninstall.exe

Hi folks,

The possible reason for the FP might be a “BobSoft Mini Delphi” FP, so it might have been a
Win32 Executable Delphi generic find, that gave the False Positive find,


no news?

use free 7zip program and zip as 7zip file

how to password protect

Did you report it yet…??