I am testing out the NetClient with ADNM console on our system here. So, I am still learning the ropes, but I do try to search for answers before asking them.
Here is my issue: When a virus is found coming in to the email, I get a dialog box that looks like this:
Sometimes, a few of these come in a day and I would prefer that there is an automated action rather than a choice for the end-user.
I did go to the task properties for the on-access scanner, and I checked to see what the settings were for “Virus” under the different mail settings, and all of them say “Move to chest if failed delete file”.
I have this issue me too, with ADNM 4.8.995 and client 4.8.1061, during incoming e-mail scanning.
The ADNM documentation, at par. 6.1.4, claims that netclient defaults are for silent operations, but when a virus is found, a window appears asking user what to do; moreover, the advised action (delete) opens another window which requires another confirmation by the user: with a highly spammed account, this could means some minutes of mouse clicks…
I should first setup the relative provider to take default action without user intervent, and then change the default action (well, I even don’t know which is the default action…) to ‘Move to chest’; finally, I should find a way to setup all automatically by the administration service, probably with .ini preferences.
But how I can do all his??
-Setup the relative provider to take default action without user intervent: could it be the ‘Silent mode’ present in provider preferences (see attachment) ? But should I setup it to ‘Ok/Yes’ or ‘Cancel/No’? It’s not clear.
-Change the default action: inside provider settings, I don’t have any ‘Virus’ tab with the ability to setup the default action, as reported on some messages in the forum; so where I can change the default action?
-I read avast4.ini settings, but I wasn’t able to find any option for setting up those things.