On Access Scanner off


I’ve a problem with the Avast 4.6 Pro On Access scanner.

It’s Off on Reboot and i can’t start it.

The Computer is responsing a message who contains: The operation couldn’t been started.

What’s up?

Can anybody help me?


The complete message would be most helpful.

Have you got another resident anti-virus installed (if so what)?
Did you have another resident anti-virus installed (if so what) and how did you remove it?

Yes i’ve had had. but it is deinstalled.

i’ve looked up the Registery and deleted all off it.

But the avast didn’t work.

Ive installed first a version of Kaspersky and then Panda anti virus befor avast. what should i do?

Some AVs are notoriously difficult to remove completely and avast can detect this, so to avoid conflict (which could lock up your system) avast doesn’t start some elements.

The message is important otherwise we would be just guessing, can you restart to replicate the error and make a note of it.

Sorry ? what did you mean?

Maybe you can halp me over ICQ. My UIN 143995987

What can i do to ban the Programentries from my system completly

Its very important for me that the on access scanner works.

Thanks for you great help.

There is a second problem, too.
if i want open the Mainwindow of avast it gives me a errormessage it says. Could not create memory task “Splash” whats this?

If i click Ok an the messagefield it gives me another one it says: Configuration coundn’t load perfectly.

Can somebody help me what should i do with the system.

i reinstalled avast more than 5 times.

i remember ths was the reason that i installed the over both AVProgramms.
But its not a good idea, so i want back to avast (without failures) =)

Im really despaired

OK, when you receive and error message, please try to get the full error message and post it not a partial message text, this will help us to identify the potential cause and offer a related solution.

I’m sorry I can’t help you with the ICQ issue, I don’t use ICQ.

Reference the splash screen problem, I guessing here (because I don’t recognise the error message, possibly incomplete) but it could be:
First check out this avast! FAQ answer http://www.avast.com/eng/other_questions.html#idt_1406. For avast! Pro users it is best to update the ODBC Drivers, Home users can switch to XML storage.
You can manually edit the avast4.ini file (using a text editor) and change database=odbc to database=xml, this is in the [Common] section.
Or you can try RejZor’s AEC avast! External Control program and change the database type to XML

You can also use the forum search function as this will probably have been discussed before.

Or you can try installing the new beta version and change the storage method on the Troubleshooting tab of settings.
Instructions for installing the pre-release version of upcoming avast update 4.6.684 here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=14712.0