I first downloaded and registered Avast! 4 Home on 26-02-2003.
Tried it for a couple of days and got rid of it, because I didn’t like the delay when starting up programs, double clicking a file to open it in a program and deleting a file in Windows Explorer.
(Does it scan files before allowing deletion ?)
I used AVG Free since then, because it didn’t show this behaviour and it had a reasonable track record.
I manually check for updates everyday. But the last couple of months, while trying to update the virus database, I constantly received the AVG message “An automatic connection to the internet could not be established”. (Honestly I needed 10-12 attempts on average before it worked or I received the message that it was already uptodate.)
Then on 27-03-2004, I received an email from support at Avast to register again because my activation key would soon expire.
I downloaded, re-registered, and gave it another shot.
But the on-access scanner is still showing the same behaviour.
The delay I mentioned above. All providers have their sensitivity set to normal and the Outlook/Exchange provider is stopped permantly.
I only have a problem with the added delay before a program really begins its startup sequence, or before I get a “Confirm File Delete” dialog box after pressing the delete key in Windows Explorer.
The speed of any running application is not affected as far as I can tell.
I tried adding the drive letter D:\ (where I install all programs) to the list of locations that will not be scanned and/or tested in Customize >> Advanced tab of the Standard Shield but it did not help.
Any suggestions ?
I also noticed that pagefile.sys is entered as *\PAGEFILE.SYS in this list.
What’s the meaning of the asterisk ?
I hope it’s not C:.
Because I have it on a different partition G:\ (on another harddisk).