Once A Day PC Unusable

Once a day (about 5pm) my Lenovo Yoga 1 becomes unusable with Avast taking up 40% or more of the processor. The mouse and trackpad are both so sluggish as to make it impossible to do anything productive. This lasts for about 30-45 minutes (not times it exactly).

I need to make it stop as that’s one of the busiest times for me. It shows all the symptoms of running “something” but for the life of me I cannot see what. I have nothing scheduled that I can see, no scans or anything.

Can anyone help, please? I’m on Avast Pro, Windows 8.1 (all patches & updates installed). I have an i7 and 8gig RAM and 250gig SDD.
I think it did start happening at some point (as opposed to always being like this), but for the life of me I cannot remember when, nor do I know how to find out.

Edit : other processes can take up 60-70% of the processor and I don’t experience any of the jerky mouse/trackpad that I do when it’s Avast taking up the 40-odd %.

Go to Avast “Statistics” to see what Avast is scanning during that time. You could also go into Task Manager and see what processes either started up or are very active during that time as well.

That’s just it. There’s nothing.
There are some spikes in the graphs at around 11pm but it works fine then. Nothing seems to be running yet regular as clockwork, as if something is running, it makes the PC unusable.

The process taking up all the CPU is called “avast! Service (32 bit)”.

Nothing else comes close to CPU usage. memory usage is up around 50%.

Firefox, the other great hog, can use up to 80% CPU and hog over 3gig of ram at times with no noticeable slowdown whatsoever. Whatever Avast is doing it affects the PC more than anything else.

DELETED :-X - This should please some of the frankly rather boorish posters on this board (far more than I’ve observed on any other forum I might add) and for those posters rest assured I get the hint when I’m not wanted/needed so I’ll happily morph to a “lurker” on this specific forum on occasion for information purposes only which should help make my imprudent critics happy…

DELETED :-X - Everybody should be HAPPY now!!

Thanks for responding. I did the repair a few days ago (should have said) and it made no difference. I’ll read your link, follow its advice and report back.

@lakrsrool, such outdated information is totally irrelevant and you are probably better off not posting at all rather than grasping at straws to build you post count ::slight_smile:

@david.w., do you have the NG/virtualisation component installed? if so can you try removing it via the uninstall/change function from Programs and Features " NOTE " everything listed in the centre tools column is not necessary and can be unticked.

As DavidR just suggested in another thread… it would also pay to check scheduled tasks and to make sure that avast or another program isn’t scanning at that time.

Good suggestions Craig. :wink: