One Click Uninstall Emergency Update Please


I want it off the machine, I update normally enough as is and don’t need a babysitter telling me what to do.

If you mean Avast Emergency update you cannot remove it.
It is just working when the normal update fails for some other reason. :wink:

Can be removed, just tired of every time I update Avast I have to take the 16 steps out of ordinary boot process to dump the emergency update program and the hidden task manager files it creates.

If you want to remove it you have to turn off Self Protection under the settings.

Then MOVE the file to another folder, so you can restore it if something happens.

Its in the Avast Program folder. C:>Programs>Avast Software>Avast>AvastEmUpdate.exe :wink:

It has nothing to do with normal updates, the idea of the emergency update check is under certain circumstanced users may not be able to do a normal update and this is why the emergency update check is there.

Can’t find any checkbox in settings which is called Self Protection, what sidebar label is it under?

I update when I want to, do note when the update was pushed out to the users of the program versus when I decided to update my machine.

Again, read what I said, there may be times when ‘you can’t update’ this is the purpose of the emergency update, it doesn’t update virus definitions or program specifically. Think of it as a repair of something rather than update of something.

Why on Earth people want to remove a fail safe switch? It’s like removing all the airbags and seatbelts from the top end most secure Mercedes S class…

Let the emergency updates work…
People seems to be like the ones who listen the police radio station or the fireman frequencies…
Let avast! technicians do their work :slight_smile:

Because some of us like to be able to say, “Here, hold my beer and watch this.”