Okay I recently bought a laptop. It’s a centrino dual 1,83GHz core, tecra and such.
Because Avast pwns, I installed it. However, I have a secret folder where everything inside is kept crypted, only openable with my finger. The problem is : when Avast is off, everything goes well, but when it’s on I can’t open the folder because ‘‘It is already under use’’
This is due to avast real time protection. Is there any way I could make this file an exception ( I already did in scans) in the main program? I tried everything
I’ve heard of a similar problem before - the encryption software seems not to like that avast! is scanning the crypted drive container for some reason. The solution is to put the path to the contained into the list of Standard Shield exclusions (that prevent it from scanning it).
How to do that: leftclick on the avast! tray icon, click on “Details…>>” if not already expanded, select the Standard Shield provider from the list, click “Customize” and insert the path to the container on the last page of the provider configuration.
Since you didn’t mention the name of the encryption software, I’m not sure if it’s the same as the one I’m referring to; this was called “Protector Suite” and the path to the container was something like c:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\Protector Suite\My Safe.fdp
(Of couse, you could have installed it elsewhere.)
In any case, the container file will be “big” - similar size as the encrypted partition - so it shouldn’t be hard to find.
Another solution: use TrueCrypt to encrypt on-the-fly the disk, or full partitions, or a particular folder… Freeware (opensource), works on Windows, Mac and Linux. Secure, reliable http://www.truecrypt.org/
Is C:/ a typo?
Would you want C:\ ?
I hope not either… or your antivirus will be ‘disabled’. Better will be: C:\Documents and Settings\François\Mes documents\Mon coffre*
Add, boot and try :