OpenDNS and wireless set-up

Hi, I sm thinking of using Open DNS and wanted to check that the following link is the correct one for the free home edition as I want to make sure I am not signing up to a rogue site.


I have a wireless set up which runs 3 computers so do I need to install Open DNS on all machines or does this somehow feed through the wireless router ? ( sorry to be a bit dumb here but I just dont know).

Also, I have the wireless set up encrypted so hopefully no one can guess the password to logon but is there any other precautions to take in addition?

Any comments/suggestions welcomed.



That’s the site I’ve been using :wink: :slight_smile:

openDNS is set up through your router.
Once you’re router is set up, your protected.

Thanks Folks.

Is it a fully automated install ?

What install ???

Bob, I meant does it install/configure itself automatically ?

what is your route? click it and find your settup :wink:

some new routers have it included

Mines a Netgear router

Mine didn’t. I had to go in and set it up.
As Pondus mentioned, it’s already set up on some of the new routers.

As Pondus mentioned, it's already set up on some of the new routers.
but i think you have to activate it


Just watching a video on their website.

There appears to be a free basic or free premium set-up ?

That’s correct.
I only connect to public wireless networks (Cafes, Resturants, Airports where access to any physical router isn’t possible.
Go to the website, register and voila.
Settings in your wireless connections need to be set to : See Screenshot
I also downloaded and installed the OpenDNS Updater which can run hidden.
Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

Thank you everyone, a great help as usual on this forum