When I turn my computer on there is an orange letter “A” over the avast icon in the taskbar. And when I place my cursor over it it says my computer isn’t protected. After about 30 seconds the “A” goes away and my “system is secured”
I was wondering what causes this. The computer is a slow netbook with windows XPsp3. Thanks.
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If you say it is a slow netbook then that’s probably how it works correctly.
isn’t that slow. had slower systems with less memory running avast.
seems that ur system loads a lot of unneeded progs on startup.
if u know how - clean it up. if not u could also accept the 30sec delay, since ur system is after all protected by avast.
Depending on your systems age, version of Windows, memory, and Start Up Processes, (30 or below is considered good.) there will always be a short delay upon reboot or startup before Avast activates its protective services. The process is for the program to activate, than check for AV updates and apply them with a message. If it’s doing that, all is well and you have nothing to worry about.
Bootlog XP will show you exactly when Avast starts…when each startup item starts…how many seconds, etc. You could just use the trial version and then uninstall it. http://www.greatis.com/utilities/bootlogxp/
I never worry about when an AV starts because I have ProcessGuard set to start extremely early in the boot process long before any AV starts.
My computer is a Toshiba and it did come with a lot of their software on it. I think I need it though.
So I shouldn’t worry about the “A” over the Avast icon in taskbar at startup?
Thanks for all the responses.