After loading new 4.6, been having problems with outlook express and newsreader (Xnews). Applied the ashMaiSv.exe replacement fix and my Xnews is acting normal again. Problem with OE is that I can log in successfully a couple of times and then it will fail on the next login to my mail server. The only solution I have been able to find is to remove the account information in OE, reboot, re-add the account information and then everything works. THis is really frustrating. Running XP, using DSL as service provider.
What is the exact error message from Outlook Express ?
Error message is:
The server responded with an error. Account ‘xxxxx’, Server:’ Protocol POP3, Server Response ’ ERR Cannot connect to POP Server, connect error 10060, Port 110, Secure SSL No Server Error. 0x800CCC90, Error Number 0x800CCC90
If I delete the account, reboot the system, re-add in the account. It will retreive mail normally.
I don’t think that recreating the account has any effect on this problem, maybe rebooting has. Anyway, this problem may be caused by non-responsive mail server or by a firewall that is blocking the connection.
I have the exactly same problem. Disabling the email scanner results in perfectly normal email retrival via pop. With the scanner active, it won’t. Using most updated Avast, OE, XP sp2, etc. This just started happening today. Haven’t tried deleting and re-entering the pop account yet, but I’m about to. Would be interested in hearing of other solutions.
SSDD. :‘( Something about the overnight update has totally screwed my email also. I use both OE and Outlook. Get the same error messages as you guys. I, luckily, have GriSoft AVG virus protection in addition and if I disable AVAST I can access all my email in both programs. Seems the techies have blundered. I hope they read this stuff, as well as my tech email set them early today, and can have the remedy before morning. Otherwise, free and formerly wonderful, I’ll be forced to delete the program. :’(
Likewise. Having installed 4.6 I immediately got problems with OE. First, I had a problem writing mail: the keyboard started to hang (stick)–after a couple of hundred characters, no response. Wait; 50 more–same problem. Wait again; 10 more–same problem. You get the picture… So I uninstalled and reinstalled. Same thing. But now I also have to disable the avast mail provider to send mail. So I uninstalled and reinstalled. Now I seem to be able to send, but the sticking problem persists. In fact, it’s not just OE–it’s taken me 5 mins to type the last 2 lines!
I won’t say luckily but unfortunatelly.
Last email versions of AVG and avast seem to be conflicting each other.
You should have only one antivirus in your system or you’ll have conflicts… 8)
I uninstalled NAV and Zone Alarm before installing 4.6 the second time. Same problem. Not an AV conflict issue
Oh… NAV is not that easy to remove…
Did you try to install avast in a system with NAV and AVG installed? :o :o
For Norton uninstall see:
Tech is right, Symantec update is still on your computer, I had the free triall and I had to find that thing and remove it manually. Evil Norton.
Symantec update was removed manually. I do not believe this is a conflict issue.
UPDATE: problem appears to have been solved by uninstalling, reinstalling SP2. Fingers crossed!!
SSDD. Something about the overnight update has totally screwed my email also.
I, luckily, have GriSoft AVG virus protection in addition and if I disable AVAST I can access all my email in both programs.
Seems the techies have blundered. I hope they read this stuff, as well as my tech email set them early today, and can have the remedy before morning.
Otherwise, free and formerly wonderful, I’ll be forced to delete the program.
There was no overnight program update! unless you opted in and downloaded the aswbeta.exe file and ran it to update/install the pre-release beta version?
Having two resident AVs on the same system is not advised due to potential conflict, not to mention if you happen to be running a beta version.
Too me it seems you blundered or don’t understand the term beta/pre-release software (under test and voluntary) and you may experience problems. That is why beta releases are made, so experienced volunteers with multiply different configurations can run it and find any potential bugs/glitches that can’t be tested against every different configuration in a lab test environment.
Your best option is to, uninstall the beta/pre-release version (4.6.663) reboot and install your previously downloaded version 4.6.652.