Outlook 2016 - Avast asOutExt.dll add-in not valid

So got this over the weekend, just when you think you have a product that works, it stops working.
The Avast Spam filter I love so much decided to just stop working. So went to diagnose the issue;

  1. the asOutExt.dll was missing so did a bootscan, and Avast didnt log it
  2. did an Avast Repair, Avast put back the asOutExt.dll
  3. went to ask Outlook 2016 to find it again but got the following error.
    ‘C:\Program files\AVAST Software\Avast\asoutExt.dll’ is not a valid Office Add-In.

In order to fix this I had to go to Microsoft and check with the Engineers, crazy.
Ran an Administrator Command Prompt: C:\Program files\AVAST Software
\Avast > regsvr32 asOutExt.dll and it started it, then it ran. Crazy IT stuff, and to think we used to get paid for it. Now the companies have slaved us to answer the issues for them.
