Outlook Express and Avast connections limit

Hi, I’m running Windows XP Home SP2 with the latest version of Avast 4.6.
When the Avast On Access Scanner provider for Internet Mail is turned on I get the following message from Outlook Express:

'-ERR concurrent connections limit in avast exceeded (processes:msimn.exe[1],

If the internet mail provider is stopped, I can receive mail as normal. I was wondering if anyone could help me with this and provide information on what to do to allow Avast to scan e-mails.
Thank you for any responses.

There is a setting to increase the connection number.
Click ‘Settings’ in my signature and browse for section [MailScanner].
Or use the IgnoreProcess to remove the program - NOT Outlook Express - that is trying to connect the mail port and is NOT an email client.


Can you post the rest of the message ? There should be some more info.

The full message is as follows:

The server responded with an error. Account: ‘Blueyonder’, Server: ‘pop3.blueyonder.co.uk’, Protocol: POP3, Server Response: ‘-ERR concurrent connections limit in avast exceeded (processes:msimn.exe[1], Rps.exe[19])’, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC90

The Rps.exe is not compatible with avast mail scanner. It seems to be part of PCguard software. You can solve the mail problem by defining IgnoreProcess=Rps.exe (see above), but you will probably have more problems when you have two resident antiviruses at the same time.

OK, Thank you very much - I do have PCguard Internet Security installed, but, turned the anti virus off to use Avast as it is a much better program.
I will do what you have said to try to correct the problem.
Once again thank you,