Hi, I’m running Windows XP Home SP2 with the latest version of Avast 4.6.
When the Avast On Access Scanner provider for Internet Mail is turned on I get the following message from Outlook Express:
'-ERR concurrent connections limit in avast exceeded (processes:msimn.exe[1],
If the internet mail provider is stopped, I can receive mail as normal. I was wondering if anyone could help me with this and provide information on what to do to allow Avast to scan e-mails.
Thank you for any responses.
There is a setting to increase the connection number.
Click ‘Settings’ in my signature and browse for section [MailScanner].
Or use the IgnoreProcess to remove the program - NOT Outlook Express - that is trying to connect the mail port and is NOT an email client.
The server responded with an error. Account: ‘Blueyonder’, Server: ‘pop3.blueyonder.co.uk’, Protocol: POP3, Server Response: ‘-ERR concurrent connections limit in avast exceeded (processes:msimn.exe[1], Rps.exe[19])’, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC90
The Rps.exe is not compatible with avast mail scanner. It seems to be part of PCguard software. You can solve the mail problem by defining IgnoreProcess=Rps.exe (see above), but you will probably have more problems when you have two resident antiviruses at the same time.
OK, Thank you very much - I do have PCguard Internet Security installed, but, turned the anti virus off to use Avast as it is a much better program.
I will do what you have said to try to correct the problem.
Once again thank you,