Outlook Express-can't log on

On my dad’s computer, running Win2k, I have had Avast running for well over a year now. For no reason that I can identify, Outlook Express quite logging on to the mail server about 10 days ago; I only discovered this during a visit yesterday. I have been able to determine that Avast is the problem because everything works fine when Avast is stopped(Pausing Avast does not solve the problem.) I have uninstalled Avast, downloaded the latest file from Avast.com, and installed it again…all to no avail. I get the following message when OE attempts to check for mail:

The server responded with an error. Account: ‘Doris’, Server: ‘mail.so.centurytel.net’, Protocol: POP3, Server Response: ‘-ERR Cannot connect to POP server (, connect error 10061’, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC90

No one has messed with any settings in either Avast or Outlook Express on my dad’s computer. My computer here at home is also running Win2k, Avast and using the same ISP that my dad uses and has experienced no change or problem whatsoever.

I have Googled the error message above and surmise that OE is not able to successfully log in to the mail server. There are two email accounts on my dad’s computer that each get the same error message…whether attempting to send or receive email. He is able to surf the web with no problem, so the log on problem is confined to the mail server.

Further information, that probably is not relavant, follows:
Connection type: DSL
Firewall: ZoneAlarm (disabling ZoneAlarm does not affect the problem)

I could sure use some ideas as to what to try next.



Pause or Terminate the Internet Mail provider, does that allow you to connect ?

Even though you disabled ZA I have my doubts. Enable Internet Mail and ZA, in the program control part of ZA find the entry for ashMaiSv.exe avast Internet Mail email scanner and delete it, now connect to check email, ZA should ask permission, allow it.

If David’s advices do not solve the problem, please, add the following line to the [MailScanner] section of \data\avast4.ini:
Then generate some traffic, simulate the problem and then post here the contents of the file \data\log\aswMaiSv.log

Thanks for the responses everyone. Sorry for not getting back sooner, but I have been out of town.

As best I can recall, pausing Internet Mail Provider does not solve the problem; I believe that terminating it does allow both incoming and outgoing mail(though I can’t remember whether I terminated only Internet Mail Provider or all of the services). I cannot be sure until I get back to see my dad, which will possibly be tomorrow… but more probably on Monday. I will try all suggestions when I get to his computer and report back.

Thank you… VERY MUCH… for your help!


Your were correct!

The problem was with ZA. I have no idea how it happened, but in the program control part of ZA, in my administrator account, internet access to Outlook Express had gotten turned off(the big red “X”!) I had checked it in the user account set up for my dad and everything was fine. I did not think to check the administrator account since no one but me has access. It is a complete mystery how that setting got changed. I only discovered this when I logged on as admin so as to delete, per your suggestion, the ashMaiSv.exe entry.

(I suppose that the reason that disabling ZA did not work was that I had done this from within my dad’s account instead of the admin account?)

It seems that I know just enough about this computer stuff to get myself…and others… into trouble!


Thanks so much for the excellent help.


Welcome to the forums, Zane. We are all glad your problem has been solved. :slight_smile:

Please come back often, learn more, and maybe help others. :slight_smile:

I’m not sure that ZA controls in different way the different programs allowed to connect.
Anyway, doing as the administrator would be enough.
If you do not feel confortable in any way with ZA, please, let us know and we can help you with other good and free firewalls 8)

The main thing is that it is now working and you have also learned something into the bargain.

ZA has in the past been known to be forgetful of its program control settings, but I hadn’t heard of it swapping settings, something that now you know about it shouldn’t cause you so much grief.

Glad we could help and a belated welcome to the forums.
Stick around and browse the forums, especially the sticky topics at the top of each of the forums, not to mention the avast help file. They provide a wealth of information to help you get the best from avast.