Outlook provider problem

I was hoping someone might offer some suggestions to fix an Avast/Outlook provider problem.

Everything was working fine. Then (stupidly, perhaps) I tried using the new AIRoboForm feature to import my Outlook contacts to use as RoboForm contacts. My system froze during this import attempt.

The next time I opened Outlook, I got a message that there had been a serious error involving one of the Avast files, and it prompted me to disable and then later re-enable the add-in. So I disabled the plug-in at the error prompt and proceeded to re-enable Avast using the Outlook plug-in manager. So, according to Outlook, the Avast plug-in is now enabled.

However, Avast tells me (even when Outlook is up and running) that the provider is waiting for a subsystem to start.

I tried using the Add/Remove Programs tool to “repair” the Avast installation. This didn’t help.

I then used the Add/Remove Programs tool to uninstall and then reinstall the Outlook provider component. This didn’t help either.

Finally, I completely uninstalled Avast, deleted all the files from its Program Files directory, cleaned my registry as best I could, and then reinstalled Avast. Still no luck.

Outlook still tells me that the Avast plug-in is enabled, but Avast no longer recognizes when Outlook is started.


  • What files are used?
  • What exactly happens when you install the Avast Outlook provider?
  • What settings are changed?
  • Are there scripts or configuration files somewhere that affect the interaction?
  • How is Avast supposed to “know” when Outlook is running?
  • How can you completely remove Outlook’s “knowledge” of Avast so that any corrupt files can be removed and replaced?

I appreciate any insights anyone has that might help me troubleshoot this. Thank you!

P.S., I’m using: XP, Outlook 2003 and Avast 4.1.412

OK, that’s easy.

Please navigate yourself to the Outlook Aboux box and click ‘Disabled Items’. Then remove the avast plugin (the About box is an obvious place to find this stuff, right? :))

Of course…How could I have missed the “obvious!” That did the trick.

Thanks for the solution and for your quick response.