Outpost Firewall--avast-- and You Tube Video's

If I turn off or suspend Outpost firewall[latest pro version]
‘only’ you tube videos will not play, under my logs
it shows an issue with avast! blocking for some reason?
I have posted at Outpost forum as well…
hoping DavidR might help out
thanks Gorron

There is no way I would consider turning off or suspending Outpost, certainly not for any youtube videos.

There are some firewalls when you disable it then it actually blocks outbound connections. Whilst I don’t believe that is the way with Outpost, I really can’t see the circumstances when you would want to suspend or turn off your firewall.

So I’m not sure how you think avast is somehow involved, if the firewall when suspended blocked avastsvc.exe then no connections would work and not just youtube.

David I was making reference to ‘if’ I turn off or suspend
Outpost the videos work :wink:

log file

and can you play You Tube videos
with Outpost in blockmost mode?


is there an exclusion section in Outpost for avast!?

Well I can’t see why that would be the case, whilst I don’t use youtube very much I don’t have any problems viewing them with Outpost enabled.

OK cool and hopefully I can get it figured out

Well you are shooting yourself in the foot as you have the Outpost Web Control enabled, when it specifically should be disabled in compatibility mode.

  • Outpost Exclusions - Whilst Outpost would have you exclude its folder from avast scans, I don’t feel that is required, if outpost is running in its compatibility mode with no anti-spyware and no web control modules running.

Personally other than a single file exclusion I don’t believe you need exclude the Outpost folder, I haven’t in all of the time that I have been using avast and outpost together and that is many years.

This is the file and path that I have in the File System Shield, Expert Settings, Exclusions section, C:\Program Files\Agnitum\Outpost Firewall Pro\wl_hook.dll (easiest it to copy and paste this full path). This file is as its name implies a hooking tool that outpost uses to monitor activity also and is the only file where I ever had any issue with avast.

I would suggest that you do an uninstall, reboot and clean install of Outpost and when asked about avast acknowledge you have it installed (cheat and say you have exclusion set) and on the following installation settings uncheck the anti-spyware and web-control to maintain compatibility as Outpost stated.

See image and you will see no instance of those modules, you don’t need them with avast installed.

The reason I say do a clean install, if you reinstall and do an update you won’t get rid of the two modules.

Done and Done and thanks DavidR!! :slight_smile:

Now You Tube Videos Play!! Yahoo
thank so much

You’re welcome.

can i install only firewall part from outpost security suite free . Their new free version includes an av…
I don’t want the av coz i trust only in avast.

You would have to do a custom install and don’t select the AV element or any anti-spyware or web control as I have mentioned above.

Personally given what I have said I don’t see why you would go for the Outpost suite and then disable most of it, the Outpost Pro would have been a better option possibly cheaper too.

Thanks David…,
Every time you are the first in posting a helpfull reply…!
Somewhere u said u r only an avast user. But i think u r a real expert eligible to be included in Avast! Team… :smiley:

You’re welcome.