Outpost Firewall Web Control and Avast Web Shield question

I am trialing Outpost Firewall Pro 2009 and was wondering if these features may interfere with each other and prevent one of them from protecting my PC. Thanks.

Since I don’t use OP 2009 I can’t tell what the OP Web Control does,

I’m sticking to OP 4.0 as OP 2008 has a flaw in that it insists that the Network Shield be disabled, (you actually need to uninstall network shield), there is meant to be a fix in a later build of OP 2008 (I don’t know if that has been fixed yet). However, there is no issue with the web shield in OP 2008, so I don’t know if OP 2009 has introduced anything different in its Web Control.

I’m assuming it didn’t raise any objections when you installed OP 2009 to either the network shield or the web shield ?

i use outpost 2009 and can tell you that the conflict between avast av and agnitum outpost firewall has been solved and the software works great together :wink:


Thanks for the feedback.

Hey DavidR. I get to say thanks for the feedback since I asked the question. Thanks for the feedback. LOL. ;D By the way how have you been? I don’t know if you remember me or not, but I believe you helped me with something awhile back and I just wanted to say thanks again. Outpost Firewll Pro 2009 is very nice and perhaps worth the price, but for now I’m going to go back to just using ThreatFire and Avast. Take care everyone and thanks again.

The feedback I referred to was onlysomeone reporting no problems with OP 2009 as it is both useful to me and to you having asked the original question.

I’m fine still soldiering on with Outpost Pro 4.0 waiting to make the jump in version when the issue with the Network Shield was resolved by Agnitum, given that OP 2009 is in trial and seemingly working fine with avast! I may just wait for it to be released and skip OP 2008 completely (even though I have a lifetime license).

Whilst I have a relatively good memory, it is hard to remember all those where I have contributed to their topics, it starts to blend together over time on the forums.

Hey DavidR. Outpost 2009 products are out and the Firewall version ran great with Avast Home. Give it a try and I think you’ll like it. The GUI is easy to understand and laid out very well. The logs are great and there’s different logs for the different categories. Take care.

I have an aversion of trying products named in the future (2009) we are barely over half way through 2008 and OP Firewall Pro was released on July 2 according the site. Uncommon hast to my mind or just trying to grab some upgrade cash, which they won’t get on my lifetime license, best deal I did years ago.

I may give it some consideration after my next drive image backup so I can easily revert my system if I don’t like it or find issues.