Will never purchase again! I was on the phone waiting for 1:20:00 and no answer only the music. I thought it might be a one time occurrence but no it was like that with chat as well and I call back twice more each wait time was 40 minutes. Outrageously horrible customer service! I have never had this issue with any product in 47 years.
I have been on hold for over 6 hours today and the one time I got someone they could not cancel or change my billing info. So they said they would transfer me directly to someone who could help. I was transferred to another line to wait again another hour. Gave up the links are either not there or do not work. Great from a company selling troubleshooting software they can’t operate a functional website. Still no resolution am waiting on a response from their customer service as they cannot do anything they escalated my case and will take 5 to 10 days to respond. But suggested I could wait for the subscription payment to go through and request a refund. I’m sure that as just as easy as canceling it lol. Never dealt with such BS from a supposed reputable company which leads me to believe they are as shady as they come. Will see if they respond not holding my breath but will be contacting the BBB if not
I’ve been trying to sort out getting a refund for a couple of products which I forgot where on auto renewal. I can’t request my refund via my account although their website says I can. When I tried requesting it via their support I had a email telling me to phone. Yet when I try, it just tells me the number doesn’t exist!!! And I can’t get anyone on the chat.
I’m about to stop using Avast product. They’re impossible to join. They use your bank account to debt important sum without your consent. I wouldn’t renew Avast Driver updater, that block your computer’s automatics updates. Some software without real effect. It’s astonishing the practices they have.
I wonder if they were bought out by Musk, sure looks like his M.O.
and they never will, does not matter what time of day or day of the week you call. Contact tech support and refuse to hang up until you get help and keep calling until you do. This is just a scam so you give up on getting your money back
Has anyone figured a way to get a refund to work? i cant even send it, also i hear others say even after you unsubscribe they charge you still, should i be worried about possibly having to get a new card..or bank lmao.. wtf is up with Avast i enjoy their product but no customer service at all.
not him, but more or less
I’m having the same issues. my 1 of 6 subscriptions is about to expire and I possibly will need to try another antivirus programme as I haven’t been able to even get to speak to anyone.
hi jack, my experience with avast is the same. i try to contact them by email to cancel a product and the only contact is by chat, which does not work.
perhaps it is time to go another provider. good luck chris