P2P Shield


I installed uTorrent client for torrent files and read here on the forum that I can expect some problems, if I enable the protection for uTorrent in the P2P Shield. I enabled it anyway and it seems fine. Which problems are likely to occure? Too much memory eaten, but only when a download is completed? Or at all time? Or?

And another question, a bit off topic, but anyway: I read somewhere that uTorrent has spyware integrated in it’s program. Is this true, do you know anything about it?

Thank you very much!

-= I sent the uTorrent installer to VirusTotal & there seems to be no virus/spyware


-= But, in some P2P programs like Bit torrent, Limewire, Frostwire, etc… There is some sort of a feature that will let other P2P users to access your files in your PC… But, it can be turned off [in some P2P programs]… I would recommend you to disable such programs from startup, do not share folders & disable DNA function [DNA in Bit Torrent was said to have given other Bit torrent users a privilege to access other PC’s files]…

-= That’s all, god bless & be careful, different infections are circulating the P2P network…

@Bellzemos: Res je ja nekateri uporabniki so imeli probleme, ker je avast! preveč obremenjeval procesor medtem ko je skeniral fajle od uTorrenta. uTorrent deluje tako, da na enkrat dol vleče po več fajlov, lahko tudi po par tisoč in ker avast! vsakega poskenira se zna zgoditi, da preveč obremeni procesor. Zato je tudi privzeto p2p shield v avastu naštiman tako, da uTorrent ni izbran. Nč bat ker če boš slučajno kaj takega potegnil dol te bo opozoril standard shield, ko boš kliknl na zdownloadan fajl. Tko, da jst priporočam, da izklopiš uTorrent v p2p shieldu. Odločitev je tvoja, skratka, če bo kej začel štekat medtem, ko boš dol vleku veš kaj je narobe.

Da ma pa uTorrent spyware zraven pa prvič slišm. Je clean. Je pa tud res, da maš na netu dost fejk installerjev za uTorrent in ko zadevo inštaliraš dobiš kak malware gor pol. Zato inštalacijo vedno potegni dol samo z uradne strani ali s kake take strani, ki ji lahko zaupaš.

s/he can speak and understand English, moreover here is an English-only forum. at least you could write in English as well in addition to Slovenian.

it doesn’t contain malware. and i had no problem while using avast+uTorrent.

Thank you all & hvala! :slight_smile:

-= Ne omenja pa… Vesel sem, da pomaga… :wink:

I use uTorrent its a really great p2p program i recommand it and yes no malware or anything on it. Free to use it its 100 % secure with Avast! and dont download anything that can be a keygen,hacks,etc and you will be fine.


find a program call peerguardian … it works VERY well with Avast!!!
It is a site blocker … that functions with block lists and it is editable!!!

Yeah, it’s very good… but not in development anymore… there isn’t a Vista version :cry:

Oopss… I was checking… seems I’m wrong (again).
There is a Vista version :wink: