Page Fault In nonpaged Area on install

New user to Avast. Whenever I try to install the Free version I get a blue screen with a Page Fault In nonpaged Area stopcode error.

Running Windows 10. Only anti-virus I had was windows defender.

I ran Malwarebytes, it says no malware detected. Not sure how to fix. Please advise.

  • Which version of Avast Free…?
  • OS…? (32/64 Bit…? - which SP/Build…?)
  • Other security related software installed…?
  • Which AV(s) did you use before Avast…?

:-\I just got the same response while trying to install Avast Primer on my system.

First time this has happened. Any one got in solutions.

Answer the questions asked in reply #1

Operating System Win 10 32 bit
No other security system except window Defender
Have used Avast on this computer before no problems like this.
Reset Window and ran into this problems when I tried to install Avast.

First, be sure to get rid of all remnants of your prior installed AV(s)…!!


  1. Download Avast Premier Antivirus:
  2. Follow instructions: (Run this tool for all prior installed Avast versions…!!)
  3. Reinstall Avast with the downloaded installer from point 1.
  4. Reboot.

Hi kshunk and seacapp,
can you please upload your system dump files for analysis ?

Memory dump location :
The default location of the dump file is %SystemRoot%memory.dmp (c:\Windows\memory.dmp) or C:\Windows\memory.dmp if C: is the system drive. Windows can also capture small memory dumps which occupy less space. These dumps are created at %SystemRoot%Minidump.dmp (C:WindowsMinidump.dump if C: is the system drive

Avast ftp server :

Please zip memory.dmp as and upload it to ftp server.
Thank you

I have been out of town for a while and I just saw your reply to my problem regarding the install on Avast. This is a system in which I have installed Avast before with now issues like this.
Is it too late to send you the file you requested. Im a long time Avast user on all on my computer. I did not think anyone would reply. I will check this post tomorrow 8/22/18 for your reply. I might just go ahead and send what you want and hope for the best. Thank you. Seacapp.

Update to the latest version (18.6.2349):

I tried the new version that you suggested 18.6.2349 and I still got the Blue Screen. The stop code was as follows: Page fault in Non Page area / Fault KS SYS. Please see the attachment below. Your assistance is still needed Thank you .

Something to point you towards:

I have tried your suggestion several times and there has been no change in this situation. Do you have any other suggestions.

Have you done this ???

Hi seacapp,
dump file would help us to find cause of the issue.
As ks.sys is microsoft device driver the best advice is to check version of ks.sys and if it is not the latest one update your system !

Sorry to get back with you so late. Been out of town again. I still have the same issue. I will send you the memory dump files. I did not hear from anyone I though you guys closed me out. I will get them to you as soon as I can. Thanks :slight_smile:

I’m having trouble figuring out how to get the files to you. I’m not a tech person. Could you simplify you instructions a little more. Thank you. :smiley:

Can you please clarify how to up load the memory files you need. I’m not a tech. Can you simplify. Thank you . ;D

You can upload your dump(s) here:
Pick a unique name (and post it here), so the devs can find it. Thanks

Unfortunately, kwik, that is a 5-year old video and FireFTP will not work on any version of Firefox above 57 (current is 63.0).