
I have a windows 7 and windows vista on 1 laptop, my windows 7 has avira while windows vista has avast. I scanned both partition using avast from my windows vista and found a virus “pagefile.sys” which is from my windows 7 OS partition. Am I going to delete it or not?

We were discussing the same issue here:

Maybe this helps.

Something in the memory of Windows 7 was infected, saved to the disk (memory page file) and detected by avast.
It could be a false positive or a missdetection of Avira.
Anyway, the problem is not pagefile.sys (as it is temporary), but the file(s) loaded into computer memory that could be infected.

My opinion?
False positive of avast. Do nothing.

But generally the situation is always the same (generally-always, get whatever you want lol). When you scan your Windows partition from another partition (doesn’t matter if Windows or a Linux distro is installed there), avast! detects something in pagefile.sys. So I also say that’s false positive. And this isn’t a new case.

If you want, you can delete the file, it’ll be recreated on next boot, and will be detected again when you do scan with avast! from another partition. ::slight_smile:

If I am going to delete the pagefile.sys, is it possible for windows to create a new one? ???

See my one previous post.

Take care. Sometimes Windows can’t boot if there isn’t a pagefile before…

If it isn’t present it should recreate it.

I have troubles in the past and couldn’t boot a system without pagefile.sys.
I’m not that sure if it really works in all conditions.

I have the same thing, when I tried BART it always said the pagefile.sys was infected, same with scanning within 7 I think it must be a FP with all the data in the pagefile.sys