Paid for Cleanup

I bouight Cleanup software but no activation code and no emauil from Avast
How can I contact them to find out my activation code?

Contact support:

be prepared for a nightmare!

I ran a scan, and of course at the end of it, it told me there were problems found that slowed my computer, and recommended that I purchase Cleanup. I finally did, but after I put in my CC info to pay for it, it kept rejecting it (I’ve since learned that bank credit/debit cards won’t work), so I used PayPal instead. Oh yes, the charges went through, but no activation code came! I spent weeks going back and forth with Avast, filing a compliant via PayPal as well, I even sent photo evidence of my laptop screen to show the emails I got confirming the sale, and copy and pasted the original sales confirmation email that I’d received after paying by PayPal!

THEY, however, kept insisting they had no record of my purchase, then claimed they never had the correct email for me (even tho the original receipt came via email…hmmm), like that the “m” wasn’t at the end of “.com” in my email address, and other excuses. Then out of the blue I see a refund in my bank account, and I get an email saying “we’ve disabled your license” and I’ve no longer got the product I wanted. WTF??!

But my laptop has been super laggy, freezing up and all that. running a scan indicates there are still problems that need attending, and I just don’t have the computer savvy to figure this stuff out on my own, nor can I afford to take my Walmart-cheap laptop to be fixed for a higher price than I bought it for… I did do all the reformatting, making sure every little piece of Mcafee and Defender were uninstalled and/or stopped, too.

Today I decided to try again. I bought Cleanup and on the program on my laptop it instantly acknowledges it and said it was ACTIVATED. I paid $34.95 for it via the purchase link from the program on my laptop, but the email linked to a webpage on which the product was for sale for $29.95.

I checked my email for the confirmation and links, and find a messaged dated 2 days ago, but that wasn’t there last night. It says my product is de-activated!

Five minutes later I get another email, thanking me for my purchase, with an activation code.

The receipt email tells me everything is good. I run the program, and as far as I know it seems to work (haven’t checked for the problems yet).

Avast customer service doesn’t seem to know their ass from their elbow, and they look for ways to say it’s your own damn fault that there are problems with the way their product works, or that their sales process works.

If I discover there’s a problem again today, I’m going to send a complaint to both the Consumer Protection Agency and the Better Business Bureau, get rid of all their products and find something else. Even if I have to just reinstall Defender or McAfee, it would be better than going through the nightmare I went through previously.

Good luck

Hi hirpowrdmama65,

I don’t find it fair that you accuse our staff like this, as they did everything they could to help you, and did solve your problem.

We received your request that you purchased Avast CleanUp but didn’t receive a license. After one email asking for the payment receipt, which we didn’t receive from you, our staff found your license, fixed the typo in the email address (from to, and sent the activation code and the original order confirmation email to you.
You mentioned that you did receive a confirmation of your purchase, which I suspect that was from Paypal and not from us. We never received a copy of such receipt as you claim.

In the meantime, we received a chargeback request via Paypal for the order, and thus your order was cancelled. Please note that if you fill a complaint with Paypal your order will be cancelled and refunded, regardless the troubleshooting that you went with our staff.

Interesting, I just purchased this also and am waiting for an outcome. Hopefully I have a better experience…

A outcome of what?

Well, I paid for cleanup nearly a week ago now, still waiting. Have been talking to a support dude via ticket and he does not seem to read my messages in full or look at my avast account to see what I have already, so I am going round and round trying to get cleanup.I will give it a another day then source another product from another company in full as Avast is just not good at customer support. I have had avast for a couple of years now and ended up with two paid licenses for the same thing, this was sorted though, now after spending days trying to sort this cleanup saga out, it is not worth the trouble. Maybe I will get lucky today…

Post your ticket-ID.

I just updated it this morning after the customer relations specialist replied with a slightly confused message. The problem is that there is a day between him getting back to me, which is a bit frustrating.

Great if you can help.


Reported to Moroni, wait for his reply.

Will do, thanks.

You’re welcome.

Hi Grant22,

Sorry about the confusion of our staff. I couldn’t find your Avast Cleanup license, though. Do you have the order or invoice ID?

EDIT: I just found your order and its status is “Pending payment”. Could you please forward the BPay payment receipt to our staff through your ticket?


Hi Moroni,
Thanks for getting in touch so quickly, you must have inspired Richard as he has replied to my ticket, I have sent all the info including proof of payment. Hopefully things get sorted from here.
And thanks again Asyn
