Paid for year but it shows only 6 months available.

I just bought a year subscription to Avast and installed it. When I looked at the properties it is showing it is active to only August 26th of this year! Hardly a years worth of coverage that I paid for. How do I get this corrected?

Is your computer time / day / month / year correct?..if not adjust and reboot

also sett internet auto adjust

Yes, my computer day and time are all correct. I’ve sent in several requests to support on this and no one seems to give a hoot in correcting it. I paid for a year of subscription. I downloaded the program per the instructions, then, per the instructions, installed the license. I got an email from technical support one time suggesting I did not do it correctly and they sent me a link for a form to fill out for another license to add to it but the link only led to an error page. I sent them a message through the support page about this and still no reply, this was a couple weeks ago. Real great service there guys! I love the way they blame it all on the customer. I am well versed on installing software. Heck, I’ve built my own computer and added all the software myself and didn’t have any problems. I have 2 sons who do that for a living so I think I know a little of what I am doing here. I’ve tried removing the program and reinstalling it and installing the license they sent me and still get the same thing. I purchased the program on the 21st of Feb. for one year subscription, my receipt shows one year, yet still when you go into my subscription details on my installed program it says “Valid until August 26th, 2011” Apparently the license they sent me was flawed but I can’t get them to see that. They want to blame me of course. I would like to get the full year of features I paid for. I’ve always liked the Avast virus program and have recommended it to countless people as have my son, the one who builds computer systems. I’m beginning to think that was a mistake however if the service is this crappy. My first response I received after posting an inquiry to support on the issue was a form email simply stating the obvious that I had purchased a one year subscription. Well duh! That’s was it. I had to start again and write another post to try to get some help only this time they tell me I had to write to a different department, they could have said that the first time. The new department is the one that pretty much told me that I was too stupid to do it right and sent me a broken link. That’s the last time I’ve heard from them even though I’ve since written back to them. So now what do I do? Any suggestions?

Have you contacted sales (at) avast (dot) com ?

Sales was the first ones I contacted. After two emails they referred me to technical.

Ok, since this I have been sent a link to fill out a form to get a new license twice now. I have done this both times and I have yet to get the new license sent to me. How long does this normally take once you fill out the form? It’s been days since I filled it out the first time and as right now over an hour since the second time. I would like to finally get the program completed once and for all if possible with the right amount subscription on it. Don’t think that’s too much to ask.

Just to finish this off. After many support messages and emails to and from support, I finally got my Avast program working right with the full year subscription. Still don’t know why it took so long to get the right license to me after filling out 2 forms to resend it but at least it’s done and yes, I “did it correctly Michael” My advise to those of you in support, do not automatically jump to the assumption that just because it’s a woman asking for help, that the problem isn’t automatically her fault. Even women may know what they doing when comes to computers sometimes. I think that is what upset me the most out of this whole ordeal was being treated like I was too stupid to install a simple program correctly. NOT COOL!

The questions asked of you had nothing to do with the fact that your a woman.
We aren’t able to see your computer so we need to ask some fairly basic questions
even of those who have a great deal of computer knowledge.
Glad to hear that the problem is now solved. :slight_smile:

I understand asking basic questions about my computer, software etc. But this person from the Technical department on his first email to me immediately stated “You didn’t follow the instructions that were sent upon your purchase and you forget to insert your NEW license file into avast! program.” This is what upset me. You don’t automatically blame the customer for messing up. As it turned out it was the fault of the license that was sent to me, not my fault. Yet it took about a week to get it fixed finally. Just glad it is fixed now.