Panda Software False Positive

Avast doesn’t like the following file:


Avast detects this file as Win32:Kuang2

I may be wrong but I think that .dll file is for the Panda online scanner. I must have used the Panda online scanner sometime in the past.

Yes it is false positive. And a damn well know and not limited only to avast!. Stupid Panda grrr ::slight_smile:
Check the avast! help file where this issue is documented.

I wish Panda would either encrypt the virus signature file or people stop using Pand’s on-line scanner. This forum is littered with numerous false positives due to Panda’s virus signatures flie.

I had similar problems with Panda on-line scanner… many people reported same thing, Panda people do nothing to change that…

Never ever had problems with Housecall, still using it on regular basis and I can recommend it to everyone anytime.

Cheers !

I can’t figure out why I ever used the Panda online scanner in the first place. I usually just use TrendMicro’s Housecall when I want a second opinion on a scan. I went ahead and let Avast put the file in the virus chest.

Panda does not encrypt its’ virus signatures and therefore most AVs see the 'ignature" as a valid virus.
I don’t think we ever were able to determine why the do not encrypt them.

I think it may have something to do with the way the file is packed/unpacked.

Here is the list of Panda Antivirus files that avast! detects as infected:

Check the Avast website for more info on this Panda thing.

So then, why DOES everyone use it? :wink:

Not any longer. Not after being tarred and feathered because the board is littered with this topic. How do I get all this tar off me?

Use House Call. ;D