i’ve got avast on two systems, with XP and ME. i got a major update after installing/updating the later. but with the XP system, the (same initial) update lasted a few seconds only. how can this be? it does say it’s up to date. but perhaps it’s still missing all the prior updates?
but also, i booted the ME system up today to find the red block out circle/line symbol over the “a” tray icon.
Difficult to say if you’re performing the same updade. Seems that in ME you’re upgrading the program and on XP just the virus database.
In ME your antivirus is disabled (red cross)… do you have any other antivirus in this computer? Did you have in the past?
Norton can be a pig to completely remove and any remnants can cause some conflicts.
A link worth looking at, which is a program removal tool that can remove the remnants of a number of different Norton Programs: Removing your Norton program using SymNRT
thanks. i used add/remove for norton’s and reinstalled avast. seems to be ok now. but i’ll try this norton’s removal anyway. i’m so glad to be rid of it! and thanks for the avast program!