Pas op voor fake update: (downland. VIRUS!!!!!!!!!!

Let op virus in omloop van (
Deze Web-URL verschijnd uit het niets, terwijl je veilig aan het web surfen bent op je mobiele telefoon !!!

Please post English here, else use the forum section for your language.

False update whatsapp


This site is not safe. Please view details below.

[Phishing (CAT021)]

WARNING: Suspected phishing page. This page may be a forgery or imitation of another website, designed to trick users into sharing personal or financial information. Entering any personal information on this page may result in identity theft or other abuse.Advisory provided by Google.

Hi, do you get this pop-up only when opening a web browser? If the answer is yes, I would recommend you to clear the browser data. It would be great, if you could send us the link from the browser.
Another question - when did the issue start? After installing some app or after visiting some website?