Passive Mode

Avast’s tray icon shows no indication that protection is turned off while passive mode is on. In fact, it shows “You are protected” while hovering the mouse cursor over it.

See attached.

I just checked that and Yes the Tray Icon still shows You are protected.
But have you restarted the system for it to take effect ?

I got a windows alert about it being disabled.
Plus I got Avast notifications that I needed to restart the system.

I did receive a windows alert and an Avast restart notification. I was surprised that the tray icon does not change appearance after doing this.

I see that this quote is from a beta topic dated Sept. 23, 2021.

Avast’s newest release was Sept. 16, 2021, so I assume the gray tray icon will be in the next new release.

Correct. 8)