Password for Avast Cloudcare

Sorry if I am posting this in the wrong place or if it has been adressed previously.

I have just taken delivery of a Windows 11 pc and have downloaded Avast Business CloudCare on it (v24.2.2133)
When I go and look at the Core shields it is asking for a password if I want to turn them off.
If I want to uninstall Avast it asks for a password.

Now I never set up a password when I installed the software (I wasn’t asked to).

If somebody could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it
Thanks Ian

Looks like this issue is kind of spread over all Avast Endpoint products?!?!?

There is an known issue with Avast in the Business Hub, where we opened the case 21115973 as of april 26th. The problem is still in work…

I guess you have checked all policies within your CC tenant and it is 100% sure that no password is set/enabled?