I am a beginner programmer who frequents hackthissite and hellboundhackers and require password recovery programs to crack hashes. But for some reason, Avast detects things like Cain and Abel and John the Ripper as PUPs. I added them to all the exclusion lists, and set the settings to “ask”, but avast will always abort connection and make firefox have a download error. What can I do to prevent this?
The only way you can do anything to download what is considered infected/tool which can be used for good or evil is to stop the web shield. Then the file system shield is likely to alert, but at least you will have it downloaded.
I have a folder imaginatively called avast_excludes for such tools, which can be excluded from scans (at your own risk).
funny, it’s not the first time on this forum that someone does request that some malware detection would be removed from the software, giving as pretexts some sort of studies about samples and hacks and god knows what… I mean I can’t believe that any of these guys can seriously expect some positive feedback ;D why not deactivate the shields if needed… hey, because it’s more fun to attempt to neutralize the AV when politely asking ;D … don’t even wanna speculate about the purpose :