Passwords App Prompting for Login - Using Password as Account E-Mail


When I try to login to the Avast Passwords app on my Android device (Samsung Galaxy S7), it’s prompting me to login again.

Normally this isn’t a problem, but the e-mail field shows my password instead of my e-mail, and putting the password into the password field results in an “Invalid password.” error. The e-mail field is greyed out and I am unable to change the “e-mail” to what my Avast account e-mail address is.

Can anyone assist please? I turned on password synchronization but my previous PC died and I need to sync the passwords to the new one.

From what you have said, it is not clear whether this issue is occurring on your Android or new PC.
Nevertheless, I can see that you have a backup. You can thus start by synchronizing on either your new PC or Android.
Please follow this link.
Also deleting the app from your device and starting from scratch might do the trick.