My friend’s dad isn’t very good with his PC. It’s had numerous infections I’ve removed, and they had Limewire. I installed Avast!, MBAM, and SAS. Despite this, he has downloaded things he said my programs told him to install. I removed one of them, STOPzilla, but he doesn’t learn. MBAM gave him an error message that sounded fishy, it wouldn’t start because the database was outdated or something which doesn’t make sense since you can update it once the program starts. I decided to reinstall it but haven’t had time yet since I’m typing this at college. I also know he recently installed something caled PC Doctor, not Spyware Doctor, because MBAM wasn’t working. He said it found like 58 viruses but when it wanted him to pay to remove it, he uninstalled the program.
Long story short, is a virus messing up MBAM, and is/was PC Doctor a rogue program. Google didn’t help.
My google search revealed a possible legitimate “PC Doctor ( Pro )” at
hxxp:// which seems to be registry cleaning- type
program that I recommend to be avoided .
As to MBAM, I have received “Error Messages” in the past, usually after a new
Version has come out . I looked on the MBAM Online Support Forums about
their “Error Messages” which has a general description and at one point I
posted on their Forum about my specific Error Message and was told to put
MBAM into the “Exceptions” List of my antivirus, which I have done . I keep
the last MBAM downloaded file in my Recycle Bin in case I need to retrieve
it in the future IF the problem again occurs. So it is important to know the
EXACT “Error message” ( mine had numbers ) to properly diagnose a
possible Remedy . Would recommend you look through the Info at .
STOPzilla is a little known legitimate antimalware program, but I feel there
are better, like MBAM & SAS .